Input data

To run ANANSE you need the following data:

  • A genome with a matching gene annotation
  • For ananse binding: enhancer regions (optional for hg38 or CAGE-seq data)
  • For ananse binding: enhancer activity from
    • ATAC-seq data
      • one or more indexed BAM file(s) or
      • one counts table with reads for each peak per sample
      • can be combined with H3K27ac ChIP-seq data
    • H3K27ac ChIP-seq data
      • one or more indexed BAM files(s) or
      • one counts table with reads per peak
      • can be combined with ATAC-seq data
    • CAGE-seq data
      • one table with enhancer (bidirectional) regions with (average) TPM score
  • For ananse network: gene expression quantification from either:
    • one or more quantification files with one TPM column
    • one counts/TPM table with expression for each gene per sample
  • For ananse influence: differential gene expression (DESeq2 output)
  • A Motif database


To run ANANSE on your sample(s), a matching genome and gene annotation is necessary.


We recommend that you download these with genomepy. If you installed ANANSE with conda, genomepy is present in the ANANSE environment.

To install a genome with genomepy you can use this command, which will download both the genome FASTA and the gene annotation BED and GTF files.

# activate ananse environment
conda activate ananse

# install the human genome from UCSC
genomepy install hg38 --provider UCSC --annotation

# alternatively, install the human genome from Ensembl
genomepy install GRCh38.p13 --provider Ensembl --annotation

You can then use the -g argument to specify your genome by name when running the ANANSE tools: -g hg38.

I have a genome

Alternatively, you can specify the genome manually. In this case you'll need:

  • A genome FASTA file.
  • A gene annotation in BED12 format.
  • the chromosome names must match with the genome
  • the gene names must be HGNC symbols

You can then specify the genome as follows: -g /path/to/genome.fa. For ananse network, you need to add the annotation BED file with -a /path/to/annotation.bed.

You can use genomepy to copy these files into a genomepy-install with

genomepy install -p local /path/to/genome.fa --Local-path-to-annotation /path/to/annotation.gtf

Enhancer regions

The ananse binding command requires a set of putative enhancer regions.

For human data (hg38 only), ANANSE provides a database of cis-regulatory regions (putative enhancers). Which is used by default. You can still specify your own set of putative enhancers.

To define enhancer regions, you can use any type of genome-wide data that is associated with enhancers and gives narrow peaks. H3K27ac signal, for instance, would not work well, as peaks from a H3K27ac ChIP-seq experiment are too broad to provide a precise region for the motif analysis. Examples of data that is suitable would be DNaseI, ATAC-seq or EP300 ChIP-seq. The enhancer regions should be specified as a BED file, centered at the summit. You can also provide one or more narrowPeak files, for instance from MACS2. In this case all the peaks will be merged and overlapping peaks will be centered at the summit of the highest peak. If you analyze multiple samples with ANANSE, you should include all the peaks from every sample, thereby creating a union of all the peaks in your experiment.

You can use seq2science to map your data. The (raw) ATAC-/ChIP-seq counts table can be used as input directly.

Enhancer activity

ANANSE can use ATAC-seq and/or H3K27ac ChIP-seq, or CAGE-seq data to predict binding. These data should be mapped to the relevant genome, with duplicates reads marked (or removed).

ATAC-seq and/or H3K27ac ChIP-seq

Using both ATAC- and H3K27ac ChIP-seq will give the better performance than either alone (see Fig. 3A in the ANANSE paper).

Enhancer activity can be given in two forms: one or more BAMs or one counts table (per data type). Multiple BAM files or counts table column names are considered replicates (their values averaged).


The BAM file(s) should be sorted indexed, for instance with samtools sort and samtools index.


A counts table must be a tab-separated file with peaks in the first column, and reads per peak for each sample.

You can use seq2science to map your data. The (raw) ATAC-seq counts table can be used as input directly. The (raw) H3K27Ac ChIP-seq counts table can also be used directly, but it is suggested that peaks are merged and centered on a 2000 bp window. This can be automated by adding the following options to the seq2science ChIP-seq config.yaml:

# suggested H3K27Ac ChIP-seq settings:
slop: 1000
peak_windowsize: 1000

Example of a counts table:

sample1 sample2 sample3
9:2802-3002 8.0 6.0 6.0
9:3612-3812 5.0 12.0 5.0
9:16114-16314 2.0 12.0 4.0

You can specify which samples to use from this file with --columns (case-insensitive. By default, all columns are used). For example: --columns SAMPLE1 sample3 will use samples 1 and 3, but ignores sample 2.


ANANSE can use CAGE-seq to predict key TFs. Have a look at these simple examples to learn more.

Expression data

Expression data normally comes from an RNA-seq experiment. The file(s) must be tab-separated, with genes in the first column. We suggest using gene_names for genes, and expression scores in TPM.


  • If you are using a genomepy genome, genes are automatically converted if required.
  • So you could use genes described as transcript_id, transcript_name or gene_id as well.

Expression data can be given in two forms: one or more quantification files or one (TPM) counts table.


A counts table must be a tab-separated file with genes in the first column, and expression for each gene per sample.

Example of a counts table:

sample1 sample2 sample3
A1BG 8.0 6.0 6.0
A1CF 5.0 12.0 5.0
A2ML1 2.0 12.0 4.0

You must specify which samples to use from this file with --columns (case-insensitive. By default, column tpm is used). For example: --columns SAMPLE1 sample3 will use samples 1 and 3, but ignores sample 2.

quantification file(s)

Quantification files are generated by pseudo-aligners such as salmon or kallisto, followed by summing transcript-level TPMs to gene-level TPMS using tximport.

Example of a quantification file:

A1BG 9.579771
A1CF 0.0223
A2ML1 664.452

If your files have a different column name for gene expression levels, you can specify this with --columns (case-insensitive. By default, column tpm is used). For example: --columns TpM will use the tpm column. This may be useful if your files have a different column name (e.g. counts)

Differential expression data

The differential expression data normally comes from an RNA-seq experiment. This file can be created using, for instance, DESeq2.

The file must be tab-separated, with genes (we suggest using gene_names) in the first column, a column named padj and a column named log2FoldChange. Column log2FoldChange is the log2 of the fold change of each gene between conditions. Column padj is the adjusted p-value of the differential gene expression test.


  • If you are using a genomepy genome, genes are automatically converted if required.
  • So you could use genes described as transcript_id, transcript_name or gene_id as well.
  • The log2FoldChange should be a positive number if this gene is upregulated from the source to the target cell type, and negative number if this gene is downregulated from the source to the target cell type.

Example of a differential expression file:

log2FoldChange padj
ANPEP 7.44242618323665 0.001
CD24 -8.44520139575174 0
COL1A2 8.265875689393 0.0123

Motif database

By default ANANSE uses a non-redundant, clustered database of known vertebrate motifs: gimme.vertebrate.v5.0. These motifs come from CIS-BP ( and other sources. Large-scale benchmarks using ChIP-seq peaks show that this database shows good performance and should be a good default choice.

Alternatively, you can use any of the other motif databases included with GimmeMotifs (such as JASPAR2020_vertebrates or HOMER). If you would like to use your own motif database, please make sure you create the following two files: 1) a motif file and 2) a file containing mapping of motifs to factors. The motif file should contain positional frequency matrices and should end with the .pfm extension. The motif mapping file should have the same base name as the motif file and end with .motif2factors.txt instead of .pfm. Examples are shown below.

Please note: if you want to use ANANSE for a species other than human or mouse, you will have to generate this database yourself, because the gene names with the database won't overlap. Don't worry, it is easy when doing it with gimmemotifs' in-built command gimme motif2factors. You can already generate a motif database for e.g. zebrafish (danRer11 assembly) with just this command:

gimme motif2factors --new-reference danRer11 --outdir mynewdatabase

Take a look at the gimme motif2factors docs for more options

Motif file

# Comments are allowd
0.7213  0.0793  0.1103  0.0891
0.9259  0.0072  0.0062  0.0607
0.0048  0.9203  0.0077  0.0672
0.9859  0.0030  0.0030  0.0081
0.9778  0.0043  0.0128  0.0051
0.1484  0.0050  0.0168  0.8299

Motif2factors file

Motif   Factor  Evidence    Curated
GM.5.0.Sox.0001 SRY JASPAR  Y
GM.5.0.Sox.0001 SOX9    Transfac    Y
GM.5.0.Sox.0001 Sox9    Transfac    N
GM.5.0.Sox.0001 SOX9    SELEX   Y
GM.5.0.Sox.0001 Sox9    SELEX   N
GM.5.0.Sox.0001 SOX13   ChIP-seq    Y
GM.5.0.Sox.0001 SOX9    ChIP-seq    Y
GM.5.0.Sox.0001 Sox9    ChIP-seq    N
GM.5.0.Sox.0001 SRY SELEX   Y